Pornopedia Quote:Magazine

Revision as of 16:35, 28 December 2023 by Till Kraemer (talk | contribs) (→‎Pornopedia news: +Pornopedia Porn-a-thon 2024.)

Pornopedia news

Pornopedia Porn-a-thon 2024
From January 1, 2024, to February 14, 2024, the first Pornopedia Porn-a-thon will take place. Saroj, thank you for the cool suggestion and for organizing the event! :)
Terms of service
Today (Saturday, November 11, 2023), the terms of service have been updated.
Today (Friday, November 10, 2023), Pornopedia was temporarily not available. Sorry for the inconvenience. Everything should work fine again now.

The GlobalUsage extension has been installed. The file description page now shows wherever a file is used. Previously, it only showed where a file was used locally.

Pornopedia Telegram group
Since today (Thursday, November 9, 2023), there is a Pornopedia Telegram group.
Pornopedia user accounts
Since today (Thursday, November 9, 2023), getting a Pornopedia user account is easier again. You can request an account here.
New administrator
Since today (Thursday, November 9, 2023), there is one more administrator on the English Pornopedia: Saroj. May the Force be with you :)
Today (Tuesday, October 31, 2023), the server's operating system OpenBSD has been upgraded. During the upgrade process, Pornopedia wasn't available. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Japanese Pornopedia
Today (Monday, October 30, 2023), the Japanese Pornopedia has been installed.
New administrator
Since today (Wednesday, October 25, 2023), there is another administrator on Pornopedia Quote: Saroj. May the Force be with you :)
Pornopedia Quote
Today (Wednesday, October 25, 2023), Pornopedia Quote has been installed. Saroj, thank you for the cool suggestion! :)