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/* From */
/* HTML colour names */
var colour_names = {};
colour_names.aliceblue = "f0f8ff";
colour_names.antiquewhite = "faebd7";
colour_names.aqua = "00ffff";
colour_names.aquamarine = "7fffd4"; = "f0ffff";
colour_names.beige = "f5f5dc";
colour_names.bisque = "ffe4c4"; = "000000";
colour_names.blanchedalmond = "ffebcd"; = "0000ff";
colour_names.blueviolet = "8a2be2";
colour_names.brown = "a52a2a";
colour_names.burlywood = "deb887";
colour_names.cadetblue = "5f9ea0";
colour_names.chartreuse = "7fff00";
colour_names.chocolate = "d2691e";
colour_names.coral = "ff7f50";
colour_names.cornflowerblue = "6495ed";
colour_names.cornsilk = "fff8dc";
colour_names.crimson = "dc143c";
colour_names.cyan = "00ffff";
colour_names.darkblue = "00008b";
colour_names.darkcyan = "008b8b";
colour_names.darkgoldenrod = "b8860b";
colour_names.darkgray = "a9a9a9";
colour_names.darkgrey = "a9a9a9";
colour_names.darkgreen = "006400";
colour_names.darkkhaki = "bdb76b";
colour_names.darkmagenta = "8b008b";
colour_names.darkolivegreen = "556b2f";
colour_names.darkorange = "ff8c00";
colour_names.darkorchid = "9932cc";
colour_names.darkred = "8b0000";
colour_names.darksalmon = "e9967a";
colour_names.darkseagreen = "8fbc8f";
colour_names.darkslateblue = "483d8b";
colour_names.darkslategray = "2f4f4f";
colour_names.darkslategrey = "2f4f4f";
colour_names.darkturquoise = "00ced1";
colour_names.darkviolet = "9400d3";
colour_names.deeppink = "ff1493";
colour_names.deepskyblue = "00bfff";
colour_names.dimgray = "696969";
colour_names.dimgrey = "696969";
colour_names.dodgerblue = "1e90ff";
colour_names.firebrick = "b22222";
colour_names.floralwhite = "fffaf0";
colour_names.forestgreen = "228b22";
colour_names.fuchsia = "ff00ff";
colour_names.gainsboro = "dcdcdc";
colour_names.ghostwhite = "f8f8ff"; = "ffd700";
colour_names.goldenrod = "daa520";
colour_names.gray = "808080";
colour_names.grey = "808080"; = "008000";
colour_names.greenyellow = "adff2f";
colour_names.honeydew = "f0fff0";
colour_names.hotpink = "ff69b4";
colour_names.indianred = "cd5c5c";
colour_names.indigo = "4b0082";
colour_names.ivory = "fffff0";
colour_names.khaki = "f0e68c";
colour_names.lavender = "e6e6fa";
colour_names.lavenderblush = "fff0f5";
colour_names.lawngreen = "7cfc00";
colour_names.lemonchiffon = "fffacd";
colour_names.lightblue = "add8e6";
colour_names.lightcoral = "f08080";
colour_names.lightcyan = "e0ffff";
colour_names.lightgoldenrodyellow = "fafad2";
colour_names.lightgray = "d3d3d3";
colour_names.lightgrey = "d3d3d3";
colour_names.lightgreen = "90ee90";
colour_names.lightpink = "ffb6c1";
colour_names.lightsalmon = "ffa07a";
colour_names.lightseagreen = "20b2aa";
colour_names.lightskyblue = "87cefa";
colour_names.lightslategray = "778899";
colour_names.lightslategrey = "778899";
colour_names.lightsteelblue = "b0c4de";
colour_names.lightyellow = "ffffe0";
colour_names.lime = "00ff00";
colour_names.limegreen = "32cd32";
colour_names.linen = "faf0e6";
colour_names.magenta = "ff00ff";
colour_names.maroon = "800000";
colour_names.mediumaquamarine = "66cdaa";
colour_names.mediumblue = "0000cd";
colour_names.mediumorchid = "ba55d3";
colour_names.mediumpurple = "9370db";
colour_names.mediumseagreen = "3cb371";
colour_names.mediumslateblue = "7b68ee";
colour_names.mediumspringgreen = "00fa9a";
colour_names.mediumturquoise = "48d1cc";
colour_names.mediumvioletred = "c71585";
colour_names.midnightblue = "191970";
colour_names.mintcream = "f5fffa";
colour_names.mistyrose = "ffe4e1";
colour_names.moccasin = "ffe4b5";
colour_names.navajowhite = "ffdead"; = "000080";
colour_names.oldlace = "fdf5e6";
colour_names.olive = "808000";
colour_names.olivedrab = "6b8e23"; = "ffa500";
colour_names.orangered = "ff4500";
colour_names.orchid = "da70d6";
colour_names.palegoldenrod = "eee8aa";
colour_names.palegreen = "98fb98";
colour_names.paleturquoise = "afeeee";
colour_names.palevioletred = "db7093";
colour_names.papayawhip = "ffefd5";
colour_names.peachpuff = "ffdab9";
colour_names.peru = "cd853f"; = "ffc0cb";
colour_names.plum = "dda0dd";
colour_names.powderblue = "b0e0e6";
colour_names.purple = "800080";
colour_names.rebeccapurple = "663399"; = "ff0000";
colour_names.rosybrown = "bc8f8f";
colour_names.royalblue = "4169e1";
colour_names.saddlebrown = "8b4513";
colour_names.salmon = "fa8072";
colour_names.sandybrown = "f4a460";
colour_names.seagreen = "2e8b57";
colour_names.seashell = "fff5ee";
colour_names.sienna = "a0522d";
colour_names.silver = "c0c0c0";
colour_names.skyblue = "87ceeb";
colour_names.slateblue = "6a5acd";
colour_names.slategray = "708090";
colour_names.slategrey = "708090";
colour_names.snow = "fffafa";
colour_names.springgreen = "00ff7f";
colour_names.steelblue = "4682b4";
colour_names.tan = "d2b48c";
colour_names.teal = "008080";
colour_names.thistle = "d8bfd8";
colour_names.tomato = "ff6347";
colour_names.turquoise = "40e0d0";
colour_names.violet = "ee82ee";
colour_names.wheat = "f5deb3";
colour_names.white = "ffffff";
colour_names.whitesmoke = "f5f5f5";
colour_names.yellow = "ffff00";
colour_names.yellowgreen = "9acd32";
function colourCompliance(bground,fground){
var ratio;
bground = bground.trim().toLowerCase();;
if (colour_names[bground]) bground = colour_names[bground];
if (fground === false) {
var ratio_w = getColorsRatio(bground,'FFFFFF');
var ratio_b = getColorsRatio(bground,'000000');
fground = (ratio_w > ratio_b ? 'FFFFFF' : '000000');
ratio = (ratio_w > ratio_b ? ratio_w : ratio_b);
} else {
ratio = getColorsRatio(bground,fground);
if (ratio <= 7) {
hsv = RGBtoHSV(br,bg,bb);
bh = hsv.h; bs = hsv.s; bv = hsv.v;
if (bv < 100 && bv > 0) {
bv += (fground == 'FFFFFF' ? -1 : 1);
} else {
bs += (fground == 'FFFFFF' ? 1 : -1);
var new_bground = HSVtoRGB(bh,bs,bv);
new_bground = RGBtoHEX(new_bground[0],new_bground[1],new_bground[2]);
return colourCompliance(new_bground,fground,false);
} else {
if (bground.length == 3) bground = bground[0]+bground[0]+bground[1]+bground[1]+bground[2]+bground[2];
return bground.toUpperCase();
function getColorsRatio(bground,fground) {
var bgroundH = HEXtoRGB(bground);
var fgroundH = HEXtoRGB(fground);
br = bgroundH.r; bg = bgroundH.g; bb = bgroundH.b;
fr = fgroundH.r; fg = fgroundH.g; fb = fgroundH.b;
var ratio = 1;
var l1 = getLuminance([fr/255, fg/255, fb/255]);
var l2 = getLuminance([br/255, bg/255, bb/255]);
if (l1 >= l2) {
ratio = (l1 + 0.05) / (l2 + 0.05);
} else {
ratio = (l2 + 0.05) / (l1 + 0.05);
ratio = Math.round(ratio * 100) / 100;
return ratio;
function getLuminance(rgb){
for (var i = 0; i < rgb.length; i++) {
if (rgb[i] <= 0.03928) {
rgb[i] = rgb[i] / 12.92;
} else {
rgb[i] = Math.pow( ((rgb[i]+0.055)/1.055), 2.4 );
var l = (0.2126 * rgb[0]) + (0.7152 * rgb[1]) + (0.0722 * rgb[2]);
return l;
function componentToHex(c) {
var hex = parseInt(c).toString(16).toUpperCase();
return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;
function RGBtoHEX(r, g, b) {
return componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b);
function HEXtoRGB(hex) {
if (hex.length == 6) {
return {
r: parseInt(hex[0]+''+hex[1], 16),
g: parseInt(hex[2]+''+hex[3], 16),
b: parseInt(hex[4]+''+hex[5], 16)
} else {
return {
r: parseInt(hex[0]+''+hex[0], 16),
g: parseInt(hex[1]+''+hex[1], 16),
b: parseInt(hex[2]+''+hex[2], 16)
function RGBtoHSV() {
var rr, gg, bb,
r = arguments[0] / 255,
g = arguments[1] / 255,
b = arguments[2] / 255,
h, s,
v = Math.max(r, g, b),
diff = v - Math.min(r, g, b),
diffc = function(c){
return (v - c) / 6 / diff + 1 / 2;
if (diff === 0) {
h = s = 0;
} else {
s = diff / v;
rr = diffc(r);
gg = diffc(g);
bb = diffc(b);
if (r === v) {
h = bb - gg;
}else if (g === v) {
h = (1 / 3) + rr - bb;
}else if (b === v) {
h = (2 / 3) + gg - rr;
if (h < 0) {
h += 1;
}else if (h > 1) {
h -= 1;
return {
h: Math.round(h * 360),
s: Math.round(s * 100),
v: Math.round(v * 100)
function HSVtoRGB(h,s,v) {
s = s / 100,
v = v / 100;
var hi = Math.floor((h/60) % 6);
var f = (h / 60) - hi;
var p = v * (1 - s);
var q = v * (1 - f * s);
var t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
var rgb = [];
switch (hi) {
case 0: rgb = [v,t,p];break;
case 1: rgb = [q,v,p];break;
case 2: rgb = [p,v,t];break;
case 3: rgb = [p,q,v];break;
case 4: rgb = [t,p,v];break;
case 5: rgb = [v,p,q];break;
var r = Math.min(255, Math.round(rgb[0]*256)),
g = Math.min(255, Math.round(rgb[1]*256)),
b = Math.min(255, Math.round(rgb[2]*256));
return [r,g,b];
function RGBSTRtoHEX(rgb) {
if (colour_names[rgb]) return '#'+colour_names[rgb];
rgb = rgb.split(',');
var hex="#"+(rgb.r.length==1?'0':'')+rgb.r+(rgb.g.length==1?'0':'')+rgb.g+(rgb.b.length==1?'0':'')+rgb.b;
return hex.toUpperCase();
function copyContent(text) {
var textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
textArea.innerHTML = text;
if (!document.execCommand('copy')) console.log(text);
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